camalie networks LLC
Camalie Networks Closed Shop 12/31/19 Your business was much appreciated for 12 years. Mark Holler Solutions for Agricultural Monitoring and Control
Edgar Lantz, owner of Sam Brannan Vineyards, "I saved 60% on my water use in the first year.” You have a lot invested in your vineyards. Just like your financial portfolio you've got to monitor that investment. Camalie Networks can help. Whether you are a grower, an owner, a vineyard manager or even a winemaker. You can benefit greatly from knowing exactly what is going on in the vineyard, in the air above it, in the canopy and in the ground below. Get a handle on the water in your soil and use only what you need where you need it. Our products not only monitor but also enable control of irrigation systems either by remote control or fully automatic soil moisture/ET based/Tank Level control. The CS3 system self documents its performance providing verification that your directives such as irrigation sets, have been carried out and resulted in the desired soil moisture or tank fill levels. We have found that this technology can be a distinct differentiator when it comes to selling your product. Having a monitoring system shows your technological savvy and attention to detail in growing. Camalie Networks' wireless monitoring and control technology brings precision control to growing at an affordable price for the first time. This enables sampling at higher density which makes precision farming practical for the first time. The system is scalable and extensible which means it can be adapted to use other sensors and provide customized interfaces and control using open source code that comes with the system. Weather, soil moisture monitoring and valve actuation provide the capability to "set and forget" soil moisture levels. This new capability meets the requrements of California state law for large landscapes. See section 492.7 that states "Automatic irrigation controllers utilizing either evapotranspiration or soil moisture sensor data shall be required for irrigation scheduling in all irrigation systems. " Call us and get the full story. 2016 marks the 8th year Camalie Networks has been in business, now with over 200 stations at 17 installations from Hollister to Hopland including Stage Coach Vineyards in the Napa Valley where 17 nodes measure soil moistures, ambient temps and humidities spread out across 1500 acres of vines. New CS3 systems have now been installed at 5 sites and have been online for over a year. Camalie Networks provides sales, on-site installation and maintenance of its new CS3 system in the Napa and the California North Coast Region. Camalie Networks also provides upgrades to and maintance for legacy eKo Pro wireless sensor network products. * Given sufficient relay nodes which are self configuring. Note: Cellular based monitoring systems cannot guarantee coverage. Contact InformationFor Sales and Service: